Asbestos-containing materials are estimated to be present in more than 1.5 million buildings in the UK. Strict regulations exist to prevent dangerous levels of Asbestos exposure. If a building has been built before the year 2000, there is a possibility that it could contain Asbestos. The current data issued by the HSE on Asbestos statistics can be found here.
Fig. 1 Asbestos related Death rate
The HSE employs a standardized mortality ratio (SMR), rates are standardized according to the age structure of the Great Britain population in 2018-2020 in order to allow comparison over time and by each region of the UK.
Both male and female Mesothelioma fatality rates in Great Britain have been on a long-rising trend. In comparison to 26.3 and 3.5 fatalities per million in 1984–1986, the male and female rates in 2018–2020 were 63.6 and 13.1 deaths per million, respectively. Over the long period, there were clear rising trends in the mortality rates for men across all areas. The figures might have been affected by the pandemic. Nonetheless, the threat of Asbestos is real and prevalent in all areas of the UK.
Our company works tirelessly to reduce people’s exposure to Asbestos in buildings and while working. We can only look forwards as there is little we can do for those damaged by Asbestos exposure in the past.
We offer a range of Asbestos related services to help clients moving forwards on new properties, renovation and buildings.
If you would like further information please call your local office on the numbers below or contact our HQ on 01913371576 and a member of the team will be happy to assist you.
If you're interested in learning more about asbestos check out our blog posts here or if you're working somewhere where asbestos exposure might be a concern, contact us for emergency response.
Our teams can assist with any of the following asbestos-related works -
Asbestos Surveys near me
Asbestos Removal near me
Asbestos Sampling near me
Asbestos in Soils
Re-Inspection and maintenance near me