Symptoms of asbestos related illnesses can take many years to manifest. Detecting Asbestos symptoms may be very challenging and a time-consuming process and requires specialist medical assistance. The majority of cases relating to lung cancer and asbestosis may not manifest until 15 years after the initial exposure, while mesothelioma symptoms may take over 30 years to become an issue.
In the vast majority of cases, Asbestos-related diseases affected people who have worked within the trades industry where they were exposed to Asbestos fibres in the work place or on site. However, there is evidence to suggest that family members of those exposed to Asbestos while at work are also at risk of developing asbestos related health issues. This is typically due to the spread of asbestos fibres from the worker's skin, hair or clothing.
Common diseases related to asbestos
Numerous microscopic asbestos fibres are released into the air when an Asbestos material is damaged or disturbed. When inhaled, they get stuck in the air sacs of the lungs and gradually impair the ability to absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Inhaling Asbestos fibres can cause a variety of significant respiratory health issues.
Most common Asbestos-related diseases and their symptoms include:
1. Asbestosis is a lung condition brought on by breathing in Asbestos fibres. Symptoms include:
Shortness of breath.
Chest pain and/or tightness.
Loss of appetite.
Difficulty swallowing.
Weight loss.
Swelling in the neck or face.
Blood in the throat mucus.
Dry, crackling breathing.
Softening of the fingernail beds, bulging of the fingers or misshapen nails.
2. Mesothelioma is a cancer of the surface tissue of the lungs.
Shortness of breath.
Tiredness and/or fatigue.
Chest pain and reduced chest expansion.
Harsh breathing sounds.
Dry coughing.
Abdominal pain or swelling.
Weight loss and/or loss of appetite.
Blood clotting abnormalities.
3. Lung Cancers.
Coughing, including coughing up blood.
A long-standing cough.
Persistent chest infections.
Chest pain.
Wheezing and shortness of breath.
Tiredness and lack of energy.
Weight loss and/or loss of appetite.
A high temperature.
A hoarse voice.
Swelling of the face or neck.
Difficulty swallowing.
4. Lung conditions include fluid build-up in the chest and thickening of the lung's membrane.
Individual responses to asbestos differ and rely on a variety of circumstances, including:
The quantity of Asbestos fibres the individual was exposed to.
How much time the subject was exposed to Asbestos.
The Asbestos fibre type.
Whether the individual already has a pulmonary condition or illness.
Whether the person smokes, as smoking increases the risk of becoming ill from Asbestos related illnesses..
If you have any one or a number of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your GP because many Asbestos-related illnesses can be treated and outcomes are far more promising when diagnosed early (as with most illnesses and cancers).
Although the presence of these symptoms does not always indicate lung damage, it is always recommended to visit a doctor to rule out any serious conditions.
Our company works tirelessly to reduce peoples exposure to Asbestos going forwards but there is little we can do for those damaged by exposure to Asbestos in the past. We offer a range of Asbestos related services to help clients moving forwards on new properties and buildings.
Our teams can assist with any of the following asbestos-related works -
Asbestos Surveys near me
Asbestos Removal near me
Asbestos Sampling near me
Asbestos in Soils
Re-Inspection and maintenance near me
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